I believe it is the second one.
It provided a source of power for many kinds of machines.
B - the Church rejected them as heresy.
The works of Greek thinkers were not in line with the dogma of the Church. For that reason they rejected what the Greek thinkers of their time did and called every work which they did heresy not to be read.
Movie: May 25, 1977
Book:<span> 1976</span>
This is usually done by creating awareness. We are in the era of a drastic increase in social media usage so putting the issue up and creating a voice for it will ensure the matter is looked into by the relevant authorities to curb it.
There can also be raising of money in order to ensure that the victims are in a better condition and not in situations which would enable them to get oppressed.
To have a particular grouping for people with similar voices and opinions!