Fought for girls education
Well, from my experience, it would be prewriting. Prewriting is where you come up and brainstorm ideas. Its when you scribble ideas and write out a plan on the direction that you want your paper to head to, where you would write a list or draw a picture on key points you want to hit on the paper.
The statement "The inhabitants of the United States have...properly speaking, no literature." is inaccurate. Literature may work through grammar syntax and semantics but there is no existing standards that would make a piece of work qualify as literature. There is only different levels and complexity but no absolute requirement.
A - Onomatopia - where the word is written like it sounds (example: buzz, tweet, grunt)
Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound, alliteration is the same beginning sound (hog's howl) and rhyme is the same ending sounds (fat cat sat)