possible things that contributed and led to the cold war would be the soviet union refusing to become part of the UN for a long time. Truman's dislike of Stalin. Stalin also felt that america and britain were delaying D-Day, causing more Soviet losses in a plot to weaken the Soviet army. Almost sixty times more Soviets died in the war than the Americans. There was american fear of communist attack. USSR's fear of the American's atomic bomb. USSR's dislike of capitalism, etc. the cold war affected the united states because the CW was the United States' preeminent international concern, directing all of the nation's major foreign policy decisions. The United States was guided generally by containment which was to keep communism from spreading, the containment applied to a world divided by the cold War, a struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union.
A lot of the events of bleeding Kansas took place because during the time the state was going through the process of becoming a slave free state
I'm really bad at writing but I wanna help the best I can
if you got to the website
it will give you some key terms on the subject and some information!
I hope this helps
fear of change, you can have too much optimism or confudence short term goals are a must have and do i really need to say any thing about constructive critisism D is the way to go.