Slavery provided virtually free labor in the south, but for "agricultural products such as cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane".
The method of cultivation (agriculture) grew in South America when British colonist colonized in Virginia. They separated the territory with wide area to best utilise for farming. This was the reason that their prosperity depended on production of crops, created the slavery due to requirement of agricultural workers. Such plantations yielded significant colony-traded crops, like cotton and tobacco.
The plantation was like one small family-owned town. But the inadequate nutrition, unhealthy living environments and forced labour made slaves more vulnerable than their landlords; disease-related death rates among the slaves were dramatically higher.
A. Nazi leaders were brought to trial for war crimes committed during world war ii.
The Nuremberg Trials took place in Nuremberg, Germany from 1946-1949. The trials were meant to address the war crimes committed by Nazis during World War II.
The members of the Nazi party who committed acts against humanity during the war were brought to trial. Their crimes were addressed as human rights violations and defined as "war crimes" which broke agreed upon rules of war. Both military and civilan members of the Nazi Party were tried for their crimes in particular in regard to the Holocaust. Though the trial was unprecedented it would come to be the standard for the International Court established by the United Nations.
Bimarck. Garibaldi and Mazzini were themselves revolutionaries, and while Cavour was a rightist he still bankrolled their campaigns.
He calls it a quilt of many patches which represents different ethnic and social groups. When they come together it is like sewed patches that form a quilt.