This is false because that is what antibiotics are made for
You can decrease your fat by doing exercise
A. Warning signs, they can make the person with the illness more ill, they could feel neglected or like no one understand what they are doing and can't see the signs but jn some cases it's the person with the illness that doesn't know like bipolar people might not know they are bipolar until the test.
Answer: Linkedin is a social network that has a business focus.
Explanation: Linkedin is a social network that has a business focus. Linkedin has the function of helping people to connect with others with whom they have professional affinities, and it also helps in the search for employment.
This social network has an option called "Employment" where people can put the type of job they are looking for and the location. It also details other aspects to facilitate the search.
Although it is true that Linkedin is a social network, its use is different from the other types of networks that people use. On Linkedin, you do not want to have many photos, followers, or beautiful photos, but you want to know the professional profile of the person and see if they are a possible candidate for a job.