It was shown when Grendel's mother came to avenge his death in the hands of Beowulf.
To avenge means to cause a person harm because they did the person something bad. In the poem Beowulf, Grendel was characterized as a monster who threatened the kingdom of Hrothgar, who was King of the Scyldings in Denmark. He terrorized the King and his subjects.
When Beowulf who was from the Kingdom of the Geats heard of this he took pity on the Scyldings. He came to their kingdom and challenged Grendel. He later caused the death of Grendel. Grendel's mother was infuriated at this and came to avenge his death. She did not succeed for Beowulf also defeated her.
1. Is it hard?
2. Do you miss going to school?
3. Do you feel bored?
4. Is it difficult?
5. Are you okay with it?
6. Do you get to see your family?
7. How are you doing?
8. Do you like it?
9. If you could change something about it what would it be?
10. what do you like most about it?
11. What do you hate most?
12. Are the classes easy?
13. Are they hard?
14. What classes are you taking?
15. How are you emotionally?
16. Do you get to talk to your friends?
17. Learn anything new?
18. How are your grades?
19. Do you miss your friends?
20. When are you coming back to school?
My scare crow would have blue jeans a plaid shirt and a Abe Lincoln hat an a Pinocchio nose ;)
I read a lot of literature so my mind always fades to the words of Harry Potter or Divergent.
But when I think deeper I think of The Hunger Games.
The games were mainly about a persons physical prowess but when we look deeper, one of the requirements of survival was mental strength. The power to see death or cause it urself and continue as though that’s normal.
Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx
<u><em>Personification </em></u>is the attribution of a human characteristic to something non -human. In this sentence the strings stand for a musical instrument, which is non-human. The strings cannot sing a song like humans can.
Question: which object or concept is personified here?
Answer: C. strings