Getting your education is important because you have to be a good leader to make money and get a job
pocahontas was a nickname meaning the naughty one,She was one of Chief Powhatan's favorite daughters and was called his "delight and darling." and, before marrying John Rolfe she was baptized and given a christian name Rebecca.
History of the Minuteman ICBM Missile System . ... of the LCC, a two-person crew was on duty 24 hours a day. Launch Facility ... generation, liquid-fueled Titan II sites have survived. ... burned a mixture of liquid fuel and oxidizer. ... "kill capacity" was eight times that of Minute ... activate a hand-pumped oxygen regeneration.
More than 3000 children die each day due to contaminated water.
More than a quarter of children under 5 years of age die from unhealthy environments. Every year, environmental hazards - such as indoor and outdoor air pollution, secondhand smoke, unsafe water, lack of sanitation and inadequate sanitation - kill 1.7 million children under the age of 5. , according to two new WHO reports.
First report, Inheriting a Sustainable World: Atlas of Child Health and the Environment shows many of the most common causes of death among children 1 month to 5 years old - diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia – can be prevented with interventions that reduce environmental risks, such as access to clean drinking water and cooking fuels.
“A polluted environment can be deadly, especially for young children,” said Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. "Their developing organs and immune systems, along with their smaller bodies and respiratory tracts, make them particularly vulnerable to dirty air and water."
To learn more about contaminated water from given link