Meter refers to the unit in poetry for rhythm and the beats pattern. Also known as foot, it has usually two or three syllables in each foot.
A word meter is derived from the Greek word 'measure'
With the lines of verse or poem, the meter also refers to the unstressed and a stressed syllabic pattern. Unstressed syllables are shorter and the stressed tend to be longer.
It has various types such as iambic meter, trochaic meter, spondaic meter.
2. Multimodal texts always contain images.
I'd love to
I hope you like it
I walk past her house
Wondering what she's like now
The sky is grey
But i'm still blue
I see others
But don't want it to be trouble.
The sky's blue again
I bump into them
I wonder if this one will like me
But what if she wont
what if i have to find another
the struggles just to stay with each other
I try to think it'll be fine
But no more like the opposite of divine
I get stressed
wishing she never left.
Ok this may not be the best but i tried
Youre poems are naturally amazing i don't get y share on a homework ap when you can do something bigger!
Book two
In book 2 of the Odyssey, Penelope's clever deception of the suitors is revealed. She had been using the weaving of a great funeral shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes, as an excuse to avoid picking a new husband out of the suitors.