Rojo, dulce, verde, agrio, amargo.
- Freedom from the influence of the Great Britain
They no longer had to put up with the pressure of having to elect officials that is wanted by the Great Britain. They can elect someone who can genuinely care for the country's development.
- Ability to forms their own laws that are suitable to their own culture
some of the laws that made during the colonization designed to conformed to western principles / philosophy. Making own their constitution means that India no longer have to do this.
- Ability to form an alliance outside of Great Britain's social circle.
Such as Russia and China for example. They won't be able to form an alliance with them if they are still under the British influence.
- Create the economy that benefit Indian people
Under British's rule, the trades laws that passed will most likely benefit the Great Britain rather than the Indian people. They will decide which products gets the subsidy and how much the products they can export. But this commodities might not be popular In Indian market.
I agree. I think that the system could greatly benefit from a change in how things are done.
Answer: The hardy-weinberg equilibrium is a principle stating that the genetic variation in a population will remain constant from one generation to the next in the absence of disturbing factors.
Answer: use two or three search tools.
use bookmarks
Explanation: When utilizing search engines, it is imperative to understand the layout for better results. The use of bookmarks, will keep track of favourite sites and using different search tools to be able to compare search results.