The answer is Juanita is in
foreclosure stage. According to James Marcia, foreclosure stage is a person who
decides an occupation or decides on something that doesn’t elevates her options
or even her values land on that stage. Identity foreclosure adopted simply the
identity of her environment like her parents, close relatives and even her
respected friend. This type committed too soon to one personality without
recognizing her own also known as identity crisis.
The correct answer is: d) modernization theory
Within Development Economic literature, the modernization theory states that global inequalities are due to cultural differences between countries, and suggests that poor and under-developed countries should follow the industrialization path previously undertaken by rich, developed countries.
In contrast, world-system analysis, neocolonialism theory and dependency theory focus on exploitation of the poor countries (periphery) by rich countries (center) as the main source of inequality.
Political support began with Alexander Hamilton and his Report on Manufactures at the turn of the 19th century, and continued with the Whig Party, led by Henry Clay from 1832 until its demise in 1852, and then by the Republican Party from its formation in 1856.
Answer: Children below working age were utterly dependent on their parents, and when those parents were unemployed-as was common in this age of double-digit joblessness-hunger often resulted. Surveys revealed that a fifth of New York City's children suffered from malnutrition at the height of the Depression (Mintz and Kellogg 1988, 140). In the impoverished coal regions of Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, the malnutrition rate may have exceeded 90 percent.
Ethnic heritage
Ethnic heritage refers to the passing down of common ancestry , value, or tradition that given by the previous generation to the younger generation.
When ethnic heritage is given/taught to people since early age, it will influence the way they are thinking along with the way they perceive every information around them. Since political ideology is heavily tied by the way we think, therefore it also indirectly influenced by our ethnic heritage.