Scarcity is to not have enough resources to fullfil a societies wants and needs. The 3 basic questions a society must ask inorder to deal with this are. what to produce? how to produce? and, for whom to produce? whoever answers those questions is how I societies economic system is decided. Though to answer your question in short, the basic goal of a society is to deal with scarcity, they achieve this by producing as much resources as possible with the little resources available.
10% of exam score
Opportunity Cost is the cost of next best alternative, foregone (sacrifised) while making a choice.
Example : If a person has option to have an apple or an orange, & choses to have apple. The opportunity cost of having an apple is the sacrifised orange.
Given : A night before mid time exam, spent while watching movies - later lead to fall in exam grade from 70 % to 60%
The opportunity cost of movies watched, is the sacrifised grade of exam, which would have gotten, if the time would have spent in studying. The corresponding grade lost = 70% grade achievable - 60% grade achieved. Hence, the opportunity cost = 10% of exam score.
Remember, no business operations would exist if there aren't any identified customer needs to solve.
Also, we need to bear in mind that Operations management activities are done in any business in other to efficiently (profitably) process raw materials, labor, etc into the goods and services needed by consumers.
Debited to the inventory account.
Hope this helps!
Since a matrix organisation is when an individual report to more than one supervisor or leader. Therefore the relationship is referred to solid line or dotted line reporting