Lack of Gestures
The most common problem with public speakers is the statue like position, which they assume on the stage. The stage lies vacant and yet the speakers don’t utilize the podium at all. They stand at one place as if they have been glued to that location. This may put the amateur speaker at ease, but it comes across as a sign of nervousness and hesitation. The audience does not prefer a person to stand fixed at one place and speak.
It is considered to be acceptable only when the speaker is standing behind the lectern. So, it is always advisable to move on the stage and deliver the speech. However, please exercise caution during group discussions, as walking is not allowed in these sessions.
Lack of Energy
If the speaker cannot breathe energy into the speech, it is not possible to expect the audience to listen to it with passion. Energy is required in the delivery of speech so as to excite the audience about the topic and to keep it glued to the speech.
In group discussions, if the speaker speaks with lack of passion, he/she will be certainly interrupted by the fellow speakers and hence, this person will lose a chance to put his point forward. It is very important for the speaker to show enthusiasm and conviction towards what he/she is speaking.
In panel discussions, no one will listen to a speaker who cannot bring power in his words. If no one understands what the person has said, his/her point will not be taken forward. So, it is vital to show energy and confidence towards one’s speech.
It helps the reader to understand the narrator from a number of different perspectives.
Poe typically wrote his stories in first person and he did this to allow readers to understand the narrator of the story and what their motives and reasoning for their actions were.
1. He was not seen yesterday.
2. The telegram will be received tomorrow.
3. This book will be given to me next week.
4. The answer to this question can be found in the encyclopedia.
5. The historical monuments of the capital will be shown to the delegation.
6. Interesting information about life in the USA can be found in this book.
7. Budapest is divided by the Danube into two parts.
8. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolguruki in 1147.
9. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov.
10. Zhokovski is called the father of Russian aviation.