so, I'm not exactly sure what you need help with, so I'm just gonna assume that you want us to explain what the comment means.
basically they're saying that they were from a different country or they followed a certain religion, and people were telling them that people like them (who come from their country/follow their religion) shouldn't be in the country that they were in. Maybe because of like terrorist attacks from that country, or maybe they were in a war. Kinda of like how the Japanese were treated during World War 2.
The attitude interpretation of tragedy assumes the existence of an attitude that it is good to feel bad when another person is suffering-that it is good to empathize with suffering.
:( :) :( :)
The Answer Is C: One Of My Favorite Hobbies Is Cooking. It Is C Because That is Just One Sentence, Without Description. Just A Simple Statement. With A,B, And D, They Add Description. C Is Just A Simple Sentence.
Truth never descends.
Truth never compromises.
Truth is satisfied only when
It sees everything and everyone
At its own time and height.
Be more specific, "My Town" could be anywhere in any country.