I THINK it’s Elizabeth I but I’m not entirely sure
He was trying to capture Atlanta
You answer is: The Townshend Acts:
The acts consisted of the Revenue Act of 1767 (which placed a tax on British goods imported into the colonies such as glass, tea, lead, paints and paper), the Commissioners of Customs Act, the Vice Admiralty Act, and the New York Restraining Act.
basically the graph is explaining how much money countries made by exporting items.
the American graph of exports had far less money from exports compared to Cuba
There are several reasons why we might oppose to the annexation of Hawaii by the United States government. Some of this could be:
The fact that all people and nations have the right to govern themselves. Hawaiians deserve to make their own decisions.
The deposition of Queen Liliuokalani was forceful, and did not follow democratic or legal procedures.
A treaty of friendship, as existed originally, already gives the United States many privileges in terms of trade.
The economy of Hawaii was already very integrated to that of the United States.
A new state in the country represents a significant expense for the federal government.