Technology made the production of goods and services easier, and this increased the amount of wealth in the economy, which raised the standards of living of everyone in Europe, including ordinary people.
For example, vapor machines led to the invention of trains, which could ship goods and transport people from point A to point B at a much faster pace. This made goods that were not produced in the immediate surroundings of the average person a lot cheaper, allowing them access to them with their low incomes.
Francisco Franco was the leader of Nationalist Spain, which was backed by the axis during the WWII era.
Stamp act- march 1765
Stamp act congress- October 1765
Declaratory act- 1766
Townshend act- 1767
England as the mother country and the colonist as a supplier of raw goods. The colonist is in loss because they only have to conduct trade with their own country under trade and navigation acts. Some colonists are attempting to get around the mother country by engaging in smuggling goods to Europe.
In the beginning in the late fifteenth century, colonies used to improve the mother country’s prosperity. Colonies provided the raw materials in the mother country and assisted as markets for the manufactured goods from Britain. Manufactured goods were high than the raw materials, and the money kept flowing to Britain from the colonies. The British authority over trade in America was one of the spurs to the war of independence.