Using beta-hydroxy-beta methylbutyric acid (HMB) can improve performance for those who perform explosive repetitions of activity, such as running or lifting weights. Consuming small amounts of caffeine can increase mint alertness. C. The consumption of branched-chain amino acids and creatine can improve muscle recovery after intense physical activity. D. An ergogenic aid that increases muscle mass but can also cause uncontrolled growth of the heart or other organs and is prohibited by the International Olympic Committee: anabolic steroids.
In the answer I leave you the text with the blanks completed ... It is also important that you know that amino acids are important for the formation of muscle mass and its recovery, in addition to creatinine.
On the other hand, these supplements are administered in people who have high performance in sports, and accompanied by a good diet and specific diet, otherwise they will not work.
Anabolics are chemical structures that promote energy reserves and anabolism for muscle tissue hypertrophy, but they do not have a selective effect on the skeletal muscle, but rather affect other parts of the body, that is why they are risky, cause heart failure, cardiovascular, liver, kidney, and even possible alterations of the gallbladder.
Answer: control plot
Control plot refers to the plot that couldn’t receive the experimental treatment such as fertilizer and or variable being tested while another plot receive fertilizer can give proper yield. It is just because, fertilizer is the main source or substance that provides chemical elements that may necessary for corn plant growth and its development. There are two main types of fertilizers such as organic and inorganic, among them organic fertilizer usually contains different nutrients that broken down by different microorganism and then used by such plants to grow effectively.
Option D. Replace a conventional car with an electric car.
Conventional cars are those which moves with the use of fossil fuels such as petrol and diesel etc while electric cars are those cars which moves with the use of electricity. When fossil fuels burns in the engine of conventional cars, it produces a large amount of smoke which cause pollution in the air while electric cars do not emitt any harmful gases in the environment so electric cars are used instead of conventional cars.