Some people get extremely mad and agitated when you are in front of you and they may persist to bully you, hit you, tease you, etc. If you are confronting a badly-tempered person they could engage into a fight against you.
Progressivism was a collective of different ideas and activities, and was not a tightly organized political movement with a specific set of goals. In other words, In was a series of responses to problems in American society that had emerged from the growth of industry. Progressives often believed that industrialization and urbanization had created many social problems. Once they saw the poverty of the working class and the filth of crime of urban society, reformers started doubting the free markets ability to address those problems. Progressives belonged to both major political parties, most of them being urban, educated, middle-class Americans. Among their leaders were journalists, social workers, educators, politicians, and members of the clergy. The reason the progressives through the they could improve society was their strong faith in science and technology; the application of scientific knowledge had produced the lightbulb, the telephone, and the automobile. Thinking that science and technology had benefited people; thus, progressives believed using scientific principles could also produce solutions for society.
Hope this helps! :)
"Balloon" is the right answer.
- Wooden structural soundness, during which the components consisted of smaller components hammered around each other.
- The fasteners extend the entire structure of the building throughout the above framing from either the institute surface to something like the curved plate, as opposed to that same device framing, where every other floor has been constructed individually.
This type of plagiarism is known as PARAPHRASING PLAGIARISM.
Paraphasing plagiarism is the type of plagiarism where one rephrases another person's writing, idea or work like as if it's his own without citing the owner of the original work.
Therefore, the above sentences is paraphrased plagiarism paraphrased from the following original work:
"The concept of systems is really quite simple. The basic idea is that a system has parts that fit together to make a whole; but where it gets complicated – and interesting – is how those parts are connected or related to each other. There are many kinds of systems: government systems, health systems, military systems, to name a few."
References: Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
You can see that the original work above was properly cited. But the other was paraphrased and wasn't properly cited.
Foods such as rice and pasta are dry by nature.So, you have to cook them with moisture to help them breakdown and become soft enough to be pleasant to eat.