He adapted the steam engine for use many different industrial uses.
The reason this leads to a conflict of interest, is because allowing politicians the power of redistricting creates a gateway for partisan gerrymandering, which is the act of manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency in order to ensure that a party wins seats in specific district.
The group that is being described above in which that
contains of having the most privilege, power and highest social statuses is
referred to as the dominant group. This group holds power and status compared
to the minority who are treated unequal.
Al referirse a sí mismo como un "detective consultor" en las historias, Holmes es conocido por su habilidad con la observación, la ciencia forense y el razonamiento lógico que raya en lo fantástico, que emplea cuando investiga casos para una amplia variedad de clientes, incluido Scotland Yard .
Referring to himself as a "consulting detective" in the stories, Holmes is known for his proficiency with observation, forensic science, and logical reasoning that borders on the fantastic, which he employs when investigating cases for a wide variety of clients, including Scotland Yard.