All are used to resolve questions in molecular and biochemistry/biotechnology
PCR: resolution of an amplicong on agarose gel to chech size after thermocycling
DNA gel electrophoresis,
Recombinant DNA, A DNA fragment that it attached to another such as a reporter, commonly used is GFP attached to protein of interest to track movement
Cloning, Duplicate an amplicon, insert into a vector, transform this vector into a bacteria that is designed to make multiple copies of itself
Northern blots, Method used to detect different sizes RNA from a mixture of other products
Southern blots, method used to detect different sizes of DNA similar to the idea of a Northern Blot
Western blots, Resolution of protein sizes by running the protein through an acrylamide gel in an ionic buffer
Antibody production (polyclonal and monoclonal), Generating an antigen against a protein using different parts of the same protein (polyclonal) or only a specific sequence of the protein not a variety of antigens from the full length (monoclonal)
ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is used to check the presence of a protein
FRET, Transmission energy of one molecule to another, it is usually included in the detection of colors in fluorescence microscopy
FRAP, this method will is called Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, a microscospy measurement
FACS, this is a type of cell sorting Fluorescence-activated cell sorting
Fractionation by centrifugation, Lysis of agents such as cells that can be lysed by spinning in a centrifuge
Chromatography, separation of chemical thru a media by colors
Fluorescence microscopy, use of fluorophore to detect specimen under a microscope a specific wavelength
Coomassie staining, procedure used to stain an acrylamide gel or membrane to show protein presence
Silver staining, use of a silver colloid to change the way proteins are seen on a Western blot or under a microscope
His tag, a string of histidine residues attached to a protein for easy manipulation/detection
GST tag, Glutathione S-transferases is a group of proteins used in protein purification an option other than His tag
Confocal microscopy,
FISH, The generation of a nucleotide probe used in DNA sequence detection in histology
PCR, Polymerized chain reaction used to amplify selected region of DNA
DNA library, the collection of gDNA of a specific specie or tissue
cDNA library, collection of the coding sequence of a organism/tissue
Microarrays, the platform used to detect thousands of gene sequences at once
Sanger sequencing, Method used to derrive DNA sequence developed by Frederick Sanger by incorporating a single nucleotide at a time
GFP, Green fluorescent protein, a reporter protein used in recombination protein creation
Bright field microscopy, microscopy that uses light or natural light to detect samples
DIC microscopy, Differential interference contrast is used to detect and enhance the different levels of contrast of a specimen
Phase contrast microscopy, Microscopy technique used to detect the different states of matter of a specimen
Fluorescence microscopy, use of fluorophore attached to sample for investigation
Transmission electron microscopy, uses beams of electrons to pass through a sample to then create an image
Scanning electron microscopy, the surface of a sample is scanned with a beam of electrons to generate an image
X ray crystallography, determining a structure of a protein my using an x-ray technique
2D PAGE electrophoresis, separation of proteins by two phases sizes and charges
NMR, Nuclear magnetic resonance, spinning of all the nuclei and measurement of the energy that it gives off.
Mass spectrometry Protein sequencing technique based on weight