Tags can be identified as they are written as <tagname> Something </tagname>
<tagname> this tag is called start tag.
</tagname> this tag is called as end tag.
for ex:<p> This is a paragraph </p>
There are some elements with no end tag.for ex:- <br> tag.
Attributes are used to provide additional information to an HTML element.
Every element can have attributes.
for Ex:- <h1 style="background-color:red";>MY WEBSITE </h1>
So the background of h1 will become red.
I usually include my teachers name in the upper right hand corner along with the date my name and the subject.
Giant Tech Company mostly
they used it as their server or storing data, right now example we googling by that we send the requests from our computer to supercomputers and those computer will find that information your and send back the respond (e.g. website Brainly). Supercomputers = computers sample as that.
Answer is Mobile commerce
Answer: design is art, art is design.
Any good artist is designing their work. Any good designer has an art to their work. The artist "designs" the composition of any piece they create, be it a painting, sculpture, furniture, etc. There is design even in a child's drawing.