To create a multi-column and multi-row
box for users to type into in an html form, use the <textarea></textarea>
tag pair.
<span>The html tags are the codes or the hidden keywords in
the web browser to tell about its format and displayed content. The html tags
mostly comes in pairs, pair consist of the start tag and end tag.</span>
Correct answer is option B (The reason for using supertypes is to minimize the number of nulls and to minimize the likelihood of redundant relationships)
Entity supertype
A entity supertype is a generic entity type which is related with one or more subtypes.
Use of entity supertype:
The reason for using entity supertype is to reduce redundant relationships and it is also used to minimize the number of nulls.
1. From the command prompt, type:
pgp --encrypt "my-message.txt" --recipient "Sean" --output "secret-message.txt.gpg"
2. Press Enter.
From the command line, the above command is entered and Enter is pressed.
The command start with pgp, then it has different options:
--encrypt: this specifies the input file to be encrypted
--recipient: this specifies the specific user to which the file is been encrypted
--output: this specifies the name to which the output (encrypted file) is saved.
The name or email address of the original sender will appear in the from line. The email is sent by that person, that is who the email is from.
The answer is C. 10
Further than that distance, you will risk being choked by seat belts during the crash.
Below that distance, you will still feel the impact between your head and the steering wheel during the crash