I think its 1 not 100 percent sure tho
Try to change his theory to correlate with the new observations, otherwise, discard his theory.
For scientist to develop a thoery, he must be able to follow the following steps:
1. Making of observation
2. List out questions relating to the object of research
3. Create hypotheses
4. Form prediction on the basis of hypotheses
5. Test the prediction
6. Perform iteration
Hence, if the predictions of the theory correlates with the results of the test, the theory will be temporarily confirmed. Otherwise, the scientist should try to change his theory to correlates or be in accordance with the new observations and, if he cannot do so, discard his theory.
Answer: <u><em>The given statement is false</em></u>, since "positivism" paradigm that presumes that nature can be studied and comprehended in a logical, scientific manner; stresses objectivity, exactness, and generalization.
Therefore, the following statement; "According to Babbie, one critical review of "positivism" in dismal science research is that individual may not be able to be as verifiable as the knowledge domain ideal presume." is false.
The problem with the former Soviet Union was that it was composed of many nations with strong individualistic tendencies on a national level. At the time of its existance, it could only do so because it hand strong autocratic leaders for a time. This has changed over time though.