<h3> b. small, incremental adjustment.</h3>
In economics, the term marginal change implies to small incremental change in the existing trend of the market or economy. Marginal change does not usually affect the whole economy but may result in a slight difference in the aggregate results.
For example, if a retailer raises the price of a product from $9 to $10 due to increase in marginal cost of the product, it is a marginal change.
Or suppose the average cost of a bus ticket to the next city cost $20 and the total cost of the 40 seats is $800 dollars. But imagine if three seats remained empty and one passenger who did not book a seat wants to pay $15 for a ticket, the driver will willingly accept the offer because although the average cost of a ticket is $20, the marginal cost is merely the cost of the ticket. The driver has to recover gas money from all the three empty seats.
One of the most common methods to date volcanic rocks uses potassium radioactive parent and argon stable daughter).
Explanation: Victoria is using her critical thinking skills to execute mindfulness.
Mindfulness in Psychology can be defined as aying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally which can develop through the practice of meditation, and other training.
It is an act of focusing one's attention at the present moment and accepting it without judgement.
Norms provide order in society. ... Human beings need norms to guide and direct their behavior, to provide order and predictability in social relationships and to make sense of and understanding of each other's actions. These are some of the reasons why most people, most of the time, conform to social norms.
Cycads are gymnosperms that were diverse and abundant during the Mesozoic era. extant species of cycads share many traits with those from the Mesozoic era. Cycads bear cones, are long-lived with slow growth rates, show late reproductive maturity, and have very few offspring. based on this description, the cycads are responses k-strategists with a type i survivorship curve.
<h3>What are Cycads?</h3>
Cycads are seed plants with a thick, woody trunk and a crown of sizable, stiff, pinnate, evergreen leaves. The species are dioecious, meaning that each plant of a species is either a male plant or a female plant. Cycads come in a variety of sizes, with trunks ranging in height from a few centimeters to several meters.
Cycads are essentially woody plants with cone-shaped reproductive structures as well as roots, a stem, and leaves.
Ancient vascular plants known as cycads were once a significant part of the world's flora. Cycad fossils go back to the early Permian.
Read more on gymnosperms here: