where is the video ? please show
Climate Change - Push for more sources of sustainable or green power sources like wind and solar.
Plastic in our oceans hurting wildlife - Use less single use plastics and also resuse plastics so there are less plastics in our oceans
The Correct answer is Bio-diversity hots pot
- Biodiversity is the different form of life in a particular region where different types of species of organism lives. It helps and increases the stability of the Ecosystem.
- Ecologist describes Bio-diversity by its three different attributes of biological organization.
There are three different types of Bio-diversity such as:
- Genetic diversity
- Species diversity
- Ecosystem diversity
When a skeletal muscle relaxes,myosin head attach to actin by breaking down ATP to ADP and phosphate with the help of myosin ATPase. The myosin head forms the cross -bridges on the active site of the actin.The cross-bridge pulls the actin which slide over the myosin. The release of ADP completes the cross-bridge movements . ATP attaches to myosin, and break the actin -myosin cross-bridge. Thus breaking of ATP into ADP and phosphate help the thin filament to return to their original position.
Internally in the female
internally in the female because that's where the sperm meets the egg