The correct answer is D. resting phase
Diastole is the resting phase when relaxation of heart muscles takes after contraction(systole). In this phase blood from veins and coronary sinus comes into the auricles and ventricles because of the pressure in the heart is less than veins and opening of A-V valve.
When both auricles and ventricles are relaxed it is called joint diastole. Joint diastole is called complete cardiac diastole and is 0.4 sec long. After the joint diastole auricular systole occurs in which auricles are contracted and ventricles are still relaxed called ventricular diastole.
After the end of auricular systole ventricles contraction starts and auricular relaxation occurs called auricular diastole.
Gotta love musculoskeletal problems, especially in children.
Vascular impairment and trauma to the bone.
Keep the samples in bins for each specific sample, label each bin so that the samples don't get mixed up.
Hope this helps! <3