Germany, Japan, and the USSR all explicitly targeted "enemy" or otherwise "undesirable" civilians. Nazi crimes against Jews are well-known, but they also targeted non-Jewish civilians for a variety of reasons - some were considered dangerous for their ability to rally and organize resistance movements (priests and local government officials were particular targets), some were deemed "racially
Demand for English goods rose in South Africa, there were bitter protests in the US and New England commercial centers. Also, the Federalist Party gained a vast amount of support and there were huge gains in their representation in Congress and the electoral college in 1808.
The correct answer is (A), France.
He taught that he was the Son of God, & that God had created everything & we are created to glorify him, believe, & follow him in which we may go to heaven after death...
this message spread because Jesus had disciples that followed him, & also he went around preaching and working miracles which made people spread the news about him.
História da Índia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Esta fase da história da Índia é conhecida como o período védico ou era védica. Sua fase primitiva testemunhou a formação de diversos reinos da Índia antiga; em ...