He uses emotional language to deliver a message to his mother. The message he is giving across also gives off the idea that other people should appreciate their mothers more and to not take them for granted.
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So how do zoos help conservation? Zoos primarily deal with three aspects of conservation – practice, advocacy and research. Conservation practice entails captive breeding, species reintroduction programs, Species survival plans and the use of zoo revenue for conservation programs in the wild
it mean resolve or settle a dispute
pay a debt
In the short story “The Gift of Magi,” the American writer O. Henry speaks about the feeling of love and the emotions related to it. The couple Della and Jim are so much in love with each other that they would sacrifice anything for their partner to be happy. Since they are poor, they both fall short in arranging money for the Christmas gift. Della wanted to buy a platinum chain for Jim’s watch, but her savings were not enough for the gift. Della decided to sell off her long hair and buy a platinum chain for Jim's watch while Jim sold off her watch to buy a beautiful comb for Della's beautiful hair. The last scene of the story reflects on their love for each other which is beyond the materialist nature of the world. Their sacrifice for each other made them the wisest people like Magi.
If the story would have been from the first person's point of view the theme of the story would have been a different one. The theme of love and sacrifice is present in the story between the couple when it has been told from a third person narrative. If from the first person's view the story is looked upon, then the theme of love and sacrifice would have been seen from the narrator's point of view and the other would be seen as a betrayer and a failure in love. Through third person's narrative, the sacrifice is seen from both the lovers' side. But if only one person's view would have been highlighted, then the story would end in distress and misunderstanding between them.