<span>Botulinum toxin does not bind to receptors presemt at the axon terminal in order to enter the neuron. It is a neurotoxin protein produced by Clostridium botulinum which is a bacterium. It prevents the release of neurotransmitter from axon endings that results to flaccid paralysis.</span>
<span>The three types of mountains are volcanic, fold, and block.</span>
Pepsin digests potato because it mainly contains starch
The ratio of blue to white offspring in the progeny is 4 blue : 12 white.
<u>Available data:</u>
- The dominant allele K is necessary to synthesize blue flower pigment
- K is inhibited by the dominant allele D
- Plants with the genotype K- D- will not produce pigment (and their flowers will be white)
Cross: testcross for (Kk Dd) plants
Parental) KkDd x kkdd
Gametes) KD kD Kd kd
kd kd kd kd
Punnet square) KD Kd kD kd
kd KkDd Kkdd kkDd kkdd
kd KkDd Kkdd kkDd kkdd
kd KkDd Kkdd kkDd kkdd
kd KkDd Kkdd kkDd kkdd
- Whenever D is present, it inhibits the expression of the K gene, so every plant with the dominant D allele will be white. This plants´ genotype is kkD- or K-D-.
- Whenever D is absent and K is present, every plant with genotype K-dd will be blue.
- The recessive form for K and D genes will express white-flowered plants, with genotype ddkk
F1) Progeny genotype: 4/16 KkDd, white-flowered plants
4/16 Kkdd, blue-flowered plants
4/16 kkDd, white-flowered plants
4/16 kkdd, white-flowered plants
The ratio of blue to white offspring in the progeny is 4 blue : 12 white.
Blue-flowered plants: 4 Kkdd
White-flowered plants: 4 KkDd + 4 kkDd + 4 kkdd
The resting membrane potential is negative due to the buildup of more sodium ions outside the cell than potassium inside.
Potassium ions readily diffuse out of the cell more quickly than sodium due to the presence of more channels which allow for potassium leakage. The sodium pumps in neuronal membranes bring more K+ ions into the cell; with every three sodium ions pumped out two potassium ions are brought in- this is in order to maintain the negatively charged membranes within the cell along with the resting potential.
Further Explanation:
Neurons have unique structures which aid in facilitating communication by sending and receiving electrical signals very efficient. Parts of a neuron are separated into the
dendrites which receive messages from other neurons allowing them to pass and some of the cell body which contains typical cell components like the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.
The axon is an insulated (by the myelin sheath) tubular structure which acts as a bridge to price impulses to other neurons these also contain axon hillocks which are junctions between the axon and cell body
Synapses are junctions where axons connect to dendrites of other neurons at these junctions chemical reactions occur in order to facilitate the passage of information as chemical signals.
There are several neuron types which include sensory motor and into neurons which bridge the two.
- The refractory period describes a period between the initiation of an action potential where Na+ channels are closed, and immediately after the action potential’s peak. Action potentials would require an influx of more positively charged ions; these must be more than a specific threshold in order to have the cells send along more action potentials which helps with figuring out stimulus intensity.
- Potassium ions readily diffuse out of the cell more quickly than sodium due to the presence of more channels which allow for potassium leakage. The sodium pumps in neuronal membranes bring more Na+ than K+ ions into the cell; with every three sodium ions pumped out two potassium ions are brought in- this is in order to maintain the negatively charged membranes within the cell along with the resting potential
Learn more about the autonomic nervous system at brainly.com/question/10386413
Learn more about neurotransmitters at brainly.com/question/9424160
Learn more about homeostasis at brainly.com/question/1601808