Indulgences and Overpower in Clergy
Indulgences where essentially a get out of hell jail free card, and how you can pay to be forgiven for your sins.
Overpower in Clergy would consist of how much power and influence the Catholic Church would have on monarchial affairs. The Catholic Church would influence monarchies and made far too much money. It can be observed the Catholic Church was very affulent.
The protestant Northern Europe tended to dislike the Southern Catholic states.
It gave the Allies the advantage to win the war
Pioneer settlers were sometimes pulled west because they wanted to make a better living. Others received letters from friends or family members who had moved west. These letters often told about a good life on the frontier. The biggest factor that pulled pioneers west was the opportunity to buy land
Axis Powers:
Nazi Germany
, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan
Allies Powers:
The "Big Four":
United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom
, China