your answer is C. king
What title did George Washington want to be called?
the President of the United States
He warned that the United States would earn "the contempt, the scorn and the derision" of Europe's monarchies if Congress failed to emphasize the importance of the Presidency. Adams then proposed calling Washington, "His Highness, the President of the United States, and Protector of the Rights of the Same.
"Why did George Washington refuse to be king?
At most, Nicola was floating an idea of his own, but one he was utterly incapable of bringing into being, and gently suggesting that Washington might consider the desirability of establishing a new state, headed by a king. It's inaccurate, therefore, to say that Washington turned down a chance to be king.
The power of a president, governor, or other elected executive to reject individual provisions of a bill.
True ///////////////////////////
He was born on feb 17, 1942 and died aug 22, 1989. His children were Kieron Newton, Jessica Newton, Ronald Newton. He wrote a bunch of books too.