Answer: UNFAIR
Alright, so you know that the Treaty of Versailles was a 1919 peace-treaty between several countries created after World War I. Most of its terms were specifically thrown at Germany, with the Allies punishing Germany in a way that they would never start a war again.
As a result of the Treaty, the German people were absolutely furious. They resented the Allies more than anything else, and felt that they were being punished unfairly. Germany was a major wreck after the Great War, and these terms made the country's conditions even worse. In fact, it was the Treaty of Versailles that made people like Hitler rise up to glory. He used the Germans' anger and resent of the Allies to gain more power, and eventually the German people would give in, leading to World War II.
Although Locke and Rousseau wrote prominent treatises on the social contract, Thomas Hobbes introduced the idea of it. He argued that human beings were evil in nature, and thus needed to enter a contract in which everyone basically agreed not to kill each other (i.e. in his natural state, although completely free, man would always be wary of subjected to another man's brutishness. Whereas in society we are all supposedly better off-even if there are sacrifices involved-because there is an agreement binding each man into behavior that's meant to contain man's evil nature).
He sent federal troops to protect Meredith and allow him to enroll.
In 1962, an African American man named James Meredith attempted to enroll at the all-white University of Mississippi. After the Kennedy administration brought out 31,000 National Guardsmen and other federal forces to execute the law, riots broke out on the Ole Miss campus, leaving two people dead, hundreds injured, and many others jailed.
Brown v. Board of Education, a landmark 1954 Supreme Court case, determined that racial segregation in educational and other institutions violated the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guaranteed equal treatment of the law to all people within its authority.
This judgement substantially undermined the "separate but equal" rule established in 1896 by an earlier court case, Plessy v. Ferguson, which determined that equal protection was not breached as long as both groups were treated with reasonably equal conditions.
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A bank run is where a lot of people simultaneously withdraw money from the same bank. Its when they don't trust their bank. It makes the people at the bank have a bigger chance of loosing their job because the bank might not have enough money to fill their withdrawals.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no Se anexan opciones o incisos, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
La importancia que tiene conocer la evolución de la escritura es la siguiente.
Desde el origen de la humanidad, ha existido la necesidad de dejar por escrito el acontecer diario de las comunidades humanas. Primero a través de la pintura primitiva que podemos apreciar en las cuevas antiguas de Francia y España. y después, por medio de diferentes tipos de escritura como las tablillas de arcilla Sumerias, que están escritas con el lenguaje de signos llamados cuneiforme.
Los antiguos Egipcios hicieron algo similar con los jeroglíficos que aparecen en las paredes y columnas de sus edificios.
De ahí hasta que los Fenicios inventaron lo que podemos llamar la primera forma de alfabeto, allá en la región del Mar Mediterráneo.
Entonces, la importancia es que los humanos siempre han querido dejar por escrito un registro de los acontecimientos históricos de cada grupo, civilización y sociedad, para que las subsecuentes generaciones pudieran aprender del pasado, honrar a los ancestros, y prepararse para no cometer los errores del pasado que causaron conflictos.
Podemos concluir que la escritura ha permitido entender la historia y sus acontecimientos para que hoy sepamos de dónde venimos.