As the exercise describes, one of the most shameful violations of research ethics to date, nearly 400 African American men from Tuskegee (later called the Tuskegee syphilis experiment) were not informed that they had been diagnosed with syphilis and were not provided with available, effective treatments for this illness. The aim of this study was to observe and analyze how syphilis proceded when untreated. So, this men were told they were being treated for free.
I would say that the most typical stressor here is an unexpected visit. Starting from you feeling uncomfortable about not preparing (dirty flat, etc), you might not want to meet those people and might feel stressed about how to tel them this.
The other options are potential "positive" surprises.
International monetary fund (IMF)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization made up of 189 countries that seek to promote global financial coordination, ensure financial security, encourage global trade, stimulate higher employment and stable economic development, and reduce global poverty.
The IMF organization is often seen as the lender of last resort to nation-states whose economies are in turmoil and currencies are losing value against those of other nations.
The IMF supervises the international monetary system and monitors its members' political and economic policies.
Using the mnemonic. Hope this helps, have a BLESSED day! :-)