The Scientific Revolution marked the emerge of modern science towards the end of the Renaissance through the end of the 18th century, influencing the Enlightenment.
With its advances in the fields of astronomy, chemistry, biology, mathematics and physics, the Scientific Revolution put doubt in many of the Church's statements. This is why most Europeans feared and rejected the Revolution, as it posed a threat to what they believed in.
Even when most of the population refused to accept the changes in their cosmovision at the beginning, modern science made its way through society and started to enlighten the ones that were more open to it.
The need to maximize a limited access to water for both human consumption and agriculture might explain the fact that both Peruvian cultures - both agricultural civilizations - used underground aqueducts to collect and transport water to reservoirs that were located nearby. For instance, the rivers that supplied the Nazca people did not carry any water during part of the year, so they conceived an innovative system that allowed them to collect the water from the rain that filtered through the ground into underground galleries, which allowed them to prevent the loss of that water - they inhabited a desert area, after all. The Chavin civilization also inhabited arid and extensive coastal areas that required ample and complex irrigation systems, hence the importance of saving and transporting water.
b: forts, many forts were built while heading west and provided a mostly safe and easy to defend place for traders to stop and settlers to live.