using random assignment keeps the study from becoming biased or untestable. it gives the results validity.
SQL Injection
Coding a web application that uses a database is requiring close attention, where the developer closes any loophole any attacker may later want to exploit when the application is deployed. SQL Injection is a type of attack where the attacker places malicious code in the query statements through the form. This is possible if the input is not properly sanitized and cleaned.
"The type of the software which a user wants to use" is a consideration point for the amount of ram while purchasing the computer system.
- The Ram is primary memory, which is used when the system is in on mode. When there is less amount of Ram, then the user of the computers can not able to run multiple programs or runs that type of program which consumes more memory.
- And if there is a high amount of RAM memory, then the user can run multiple programs at the same time or can run that program which takes more memory.
- So when any user wants to decide about the Ram, then he can by deciding the type of software, which he wants to use. How much that software can use the memory.
Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word is an example of Software, while monitors, keyboards, and a mouse are hardware.
to rank tasks from most to least important
Prioritize means to choose priority, obviously and priority is the thing is the thing which, among other things, have the biggest importance.
Every day, especially in business, one finds himself swimming in tasks up to his neck. Obviously, not all of them can be successfully finished, or at least not without sacrificing one's personal life or sleep.
Prioritizing, therefore, serves as a helpful organising tool. After writing down all tasks that need to be done, a person should rank them by priority, which means that only urgent and important tasks will be dealt with immediately. Tasks of lower priority will be postponed, delegated or simply deleted.