there is no car on a bus a bus is one long vehicle
Insert Method
it is used to returns an integer that speaks to the area of the substring inside the string.
Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer
Def firstChars( word ):
if( word ): # make sure word has characters
print( word[ 0 ] ) # print the first character (Python 3 syntax)
See attachment for flowchart
The flowchart is represented by the following algorithm:
1. Start
2. Input Mass
3. Input Volume
4 Density = Mass/Volume
5. Print Density
6. Stop
The flowchart is explained by the algorithm above.
It starts by accepting input for Mass
Then it accepts input for Volume
Step 4 of the flowchart/algorithm calculated the Density using the following formula: Density = Mass/Volume
Step 5 prints the calculated Density
The flowchart stops execution afterwards
Note that the flowchart assumes that the user input is of number type (integer, float, double, etc.)