From my known knowledge, it would be C: "Dawned"
One reason is because if you have the sentence "I quickly ran past the store." the adverb would be quickly.
Thank you for your time.
A example of a wheel and axle is C. seesaw
The moral of the story is to not be greedy, King Pluto got his wish but at what cost. The greed clouded his judgment and it lead to the death of his daughter.
Fifty years ago last January, George C. Wallace took the oath of office as governor of Alabama, pledging to defy the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision prohibiting separate public schools for black students. “I draw the line in the dust,” Wallace shouted, “and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever” (Wallace 1963).
Eight months later, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Martin Luther King Jr. set forth a different vision for American education. “I have a dream,” King proclaimed, that “one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.”
Wallace later recanted, saying, “I was wrong. Those days are over, and they ought to be over” (Windham 2012).
They ought to be over, but Wallace’s 1963 call for a line in the dust seems to have been more prescient than King’s vision. Racial isolation of African American children in separate schools located in separate neighborhoods has become a permanent feature of our landscape. Today, African American students are more isolated than they were 40 years ago, while most education policymakers and reformers have abandoned integration as a cause.
The engine of the story is the narrator's insistence, not on his innocence (which would be normal) but on his sanity. But this reveals a self-destructive drive, since it is pretending to demonstrate sanity through guilt in crime. His denial of madness is based, above all, on the systematic nature of his homicidal behavior, on his precision and on the rational explanation of an irrational behavior. This rationality, however, is undermined by its lack of motivation - "There was no reason. There was no passion. »-. However, the murderer claims that the idea was hovering day and night in his head. Thus, the final scene is nothing more than the result of the character's guilt. Like many other characters in traditional macabre literature, passions dictate their nature. And despite all his efforts, evidently, the pretense of having heard the heart beat at a distance, despite his acute sensitivity, is the evidence of madness and insanity. Readers of the time surely felt very interested in the subject of the allegation of transient madness that recreates the story.