D: Poetry includes line breaks primiarly to emphasize images
Prose looks like large blocks of words. Poetry is typically reserved for expressing something special in an artistic way. Poetry uses line breaks for various reasons—to follow a formatted rhythm or to emphasize an idea. Lines can run extremely long or be as short as one word or letter.
President Warren Harding's secretary of state, Charles Evans Hughes, was the one who called for a ten-year moratorium on warship construction. Britain, France, Japan, Italy, and US were the countries that helped Hughes to create the ten-year moratorium on new warships.
Slavery ended when President Abraham Lincoln delivered his iconic Emancipation Proclamation. This would eventually free black people so they could become ordinary citizens and NOT slaves. So basically, slavery was ended all thanks to good ol' Lincoln :)
The Three Principles of the People is a concept of Sun Yat-sen, which was influential in China (this is the correct answer) . The three principles are nationalism, democracy and the livelihood of the people (well-being.)
Today, they can be found in the national anthem of the Republic of China (Taiwan).