Answer: They are both considered a C Theocracy because they rule in the name of a God.
1. Pack a first aid kit, Water, and snacks
2. Try looking at the map, read the riddle, and think about the placethat they are talking about!
3. I say don't worry about "WHERE?" the adventure it's self is the mystery.
From altering the environment humans receive the benefit of multiple resources, such as wood which they receive from cutting down trees. Deforestation gives humans the benefit of having more land accessible for the public, as trees taken down by deforestation allows for humans to build public locations such as parks, and provides land for houses to be built on. Overall, altering the environment gives humans the benefit of having more resources, along with land that they are able to use for housing and livestock farms, which once again provide more resources for the public.
Answer: people use it for trade