To write fractions as decimals divide the numerator by the denominator, for example 3/4 3 divided by 4 equals 0.75 so 3/4 as a decimal is 0.75. If you want to do that with a mixed number, 3 3/4 3 divided by 4 equals 0.75 then add the 3 so 3 3/4 is equal to 3.75.
we get the all equation of given condition
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that,
Number of painting made by Gloria every month is 2.
Gloria creates depends on the number of paintings p, Gloria paints over m months if she meet her goal.
we have to check all the apply.
According to question,
M is the independent variable and P is dependent variable.
So, Relation formed by given statement is 
Case(1): P is increased by 2 as M is increased by 1.

This is Equation of the given case(1).
Again, P is the independent variable and M is dependent variable.
Case (2) M is increased by 2 as P increased by 1.

we get the all equation of given condition
Step-by-step explanation:
so if 6 people are going then it will be 10×6=60
It would be any positive slope.