The Kansas-Nebraska act made it for the slavery in the states that were for having slavery. Free-soilers came in, but most people wanted slavery still. So they were overly sensitive over the idea of them not being able to have slavery
Hope this helped !! :)
the Spanish force made its way first north and then west along the southern coast of Florida to the Gulf of Mexico in Florida’s panhandle. There, Narváez’s decimated army built boats, and sailed haltingly along the coasts of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Three boats were lost, and many of the Spanish explorers also, including the expedition leader, Narváez. Others of the explorers landed, only to die of starvation or Indian attack. Cabeza de Vaca, however, and a few companions survived.
The answer is,The development of political parties in the early 1800s was not split in American politics it is what makes democracy work for the U.S. (although disruptive at times) . The two party system we have allows varied thoughts to be brought to the voters attention and in that way they make decisions as to which direction the public wants the politicians to go. It is what allows the U.S to make decisions at the ballot box and not with a bullet.
He was appointed by the president after his party had won many elections.
Hitler first contested the election for the office of the president but was defeated by Hindenburg by a margin of 16.2% votes. In the elections that were conducted in July of 1932, the Nazis secured a majority and won 230 seats.
Hitler asked President Hindenburg to allow him to serve as the chancellor but Hindenburg chose Papen over Hitler. After Papen resigned from the office of the chancellor, Hindenburg asked one of his trusted subordinates named Schleicher to take his position and denied Hitler the chance once again.
Schleicher, for his personal benefit, tried to appoint one of his friends named Gregor Strasser to the office of the vice-chancellor. This gave rise to disputes among the Nazis. Finally then, Hindenburg dismissed Schleicher from his office and appointed Hitler as the chancellor.
It leads the reader to question the narrator's views.