Environmental education includes the study of various factors of the environment which affect the health of human beings. Environment comprises all the factors in our surroundings. It includes even abstract factors , which do not have weight , length and breadth. Cultural traits , social norms and values, feasts and festivals etc. are some of the examples of abstract aspects. Some of the scopes of environment education are described below:
- Physical aspect ( soil , water , air , rocks , gases etc )
The physical aspect included non- living things on the earth. They are soil, water , air , rocks , gases etc. Environment education gives knowledge about the status of soil , water , air , rocks , gases and other various physical components of the earth. It aims to make students aware of the effects and consequences of human activities upon these factors. It also gives knowledge to raise environment friendly attitude and behavior among the students .
- Biological aspect ( biology , agriculture , forestry etc )
The biotics factors include living plants and animals , their life mechanism , interrelationship etc. Some of the educational streams related to the biotic aspects are biology , agriculture , and forestry. They are some of the important scopes of the environment education. This branch of education helps to develop the level of knowledge , attitude and behavior regarding these factors in the students.
- Socio - cultural aspect ( sociology , civics , religion , ethnicity , anthropology etc )
Environment has some of the abstract aspects too. Abstract aspects include religious , cultural , ethnic and social norms and values. Some of the educational streams dealing with this aspect are sociology , civics and anthropology. Environment education also teaches students about such abstract factors, which play vital role in the environment.
In general , scope of health education can be understood as the areas included in health education. Health education not only communicates knowledge about body features and diseases, but also includes the matters concerned with healthy surroundings , human psychological states affecting health , public health, human anthropology , medical science and so many other things. Any three scopes of health education are as follows:
- Home
Home is the residence of all people. Home is the first school for all. A child passes the primary days of life at home. Every individual learns the basic skills if survival at home. Proper time to wake up in the morning , to start daily sanitary schedules, to eat , to practise all other health behavior are learnt at home. The child lives in community and learns many more about healthy social adjustment in the social environment. Health education aims to raise the level of knowledge , attitude , and behavior related to health and healthy life.
- School
Children go to school for formal education and spend most of active hours of a day. They achieve several forms of health knowledge and develop healthy attitude and practise accordingly. Their heath status depends upon the environment of school , health curriculum, healthful school environment , co-curricular and extra - curricular health activities.
- Community
Community is a place where many people live with their families. People's health is determined by the several factors in the community. Health education teaches about these factors like community sanitation , drainage , health service providing organizations and health centers.