The mode stands for the number in a series found the most.
In this series you have:
three 4s
two 17s
one 27
one 29
one 20
one 24
and one 34
The mode, or number most found, is 4.
The correct answer is B; They have led Henry to develop highly romanticized ideas about battle and what fighting in a war will be like.
Henry is a character from the book, The Red Badge of Courage." In the book, it speaks about how Henry had dreamed of epic battles while at war. He beleives he is going off to war to be hero. His desires were comparative to Homeric" and even "Greeklike" at times.
As Henry starts on his journey, he meets returning veterans and hears the truth about how bad it is and how many are starving. At that point, he is still not sure if he should believe the men.
Learn more about the book, The Red Badge of Courage, at
it's said that words are mightier than the sword because by the sword you can kill one person at a time but my words you can create a huge massacre.... once a word is said you can never take it back in any way. Whenever a word emotion it creates tremendous power to kill. Hope this helps!
Duo lingo works pretty good !
Nucleic acids serve as genetic coding since some examples are DNA and RNA