If I wanted to improve morale and enhance the colleague relationships at my company, I would fire the level IV coworkers.
- In order to keep the organizational morale high, one should make sure that there are no negative elements within the organization.
- The possibility of the prevalence of negative elements within the organization is more in the lowermost strata of the organization.
- Hence, it is preferable to eliminate such people from the organization so as to not cause the organization any kind of damage.
The main difference between a patriot and a loyalist is that patriots strongly supported and fought to gain independence from the British rule during the American war of Independence whereas loyalists supported the British rule and wanted to remain under British control during the American war of Independence.
Leased land aka fiefs or fiefdoms
Amount left after subtracting the unpaid debt balance on the property from the current market value as assessed by a valuator. It increases as the debts are paid off and when the value is appreciating. Also called equity. this was on my college exam it took me awhile to get it too