Zionism is the movement for the Jewish people to be recognized as the sovereign state over Palestine.
If I'm not mistaken, Document D pertains to a cartoon that depicts Gandhi, 'salting the British lion's tail'. If so, then Gandhi's nonviolent tactics for achieving political change was to get the British hear his pleas of political change through small, nonviolent efforts.
<span>The public assistance program is authorized through:
d. the stafford act.</span>
hope this helps
Cultural factors also play a central role in resistance to social change. ... When technology enters a society, non‐material culture must respond to changes in material culture. Culture lag refers to the time during which previous aspects of a society still need to “catch up” to cultural advances.We call these three types of resistance: game change, outside game and inside game. This section will explain what makes each type of resistance effective, as well as how they complement one another.
Memory is linked to certain ques, so naturally having a place to link a memory to will reestablish specific details