An app launcher replaces the stock user interface for organizing the home screen and app icons predominantly in the Android world; however, they are also available for jailbroken iPhones (see iPhone jailbreaking and Cydia). See Launchpad.
Boolean Operators
When performing a boolean search, boolean operators allow users to combine keywords with operators (or modifiers) such as AND, NOT and OR to further produce more relevant results.
The boolean operators AND and OR are used to include certain words and phrases during the search while the boolean operator NOT is used to exclude certain words and phrases.
Sticky notes
I got the question correct
Steps of Booting
The Startup. It is the first step that involves switching the power ON. ...
BIOS: Power On Self Test. It is an initial test performed by the BIOS. ...
Loading of OS. In this step, the operating system is loaded into the main memory. ...
System Configuration. ...
Loading System Utilities. ...
User Authentication.
D. Algorithms of simple problems are readily available for reference.
Hope this helps you! Ask me anything if you have any quistions!