Port 443
This is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure that combines the HTTP with a cryptographic protocol, which can be used for payment transactions and other secure transmission of data from Web pages. Whenever you connect to a website beginning with "https://" or you see the lock icon, you’re connecting to that web server over port 443.
Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. ... When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.
there is no car on a bus a bus is one long vehicle
The best option that will suite is that there will be no major issues since the offshore leads and the onsite members participated in the demo with the Product Owner/Stakeholders they can cascade the feedback to the offshore members
Iteration demo is the review which is done to gather the immediate feedback from the stakeholders on a regular basis from the regular cadence. This demo will be one mainly to review the progress of the team and the and to cascade and show their working process
They show their working process to the owners and they and the other stakeholders and they get their review from them and so there will be no issues if the members are not able to participate
B correct answer b i think so