La frase "La fábrica que produce pobres está en el modelo rural" es una clara referencia a que el modelo rural, en contraposición con el modelo industrial imperante en la enorme mayoría de los países económicamente desarrollados, es un sistema económico de poca proyección, con baja capacidad de proyectar sus ganancias y beneficios al común de la sociedad, sino por el contrario a un selecto grupo de individuos que desarrolla la actividad a gran escala.
Así, el resto de los pequeños productores no logra escalar en el sistema, cayendo en la pobreza y sin posibilidades de acceder a una verdadera seguridad alimentaria, con lo cual se produce el éxodo rural: los campesinos pobres emigran a las ciudades en busca de oportunidades.
Si un país no tiene una economía compleja y con distintos sectores armónicamente complementarios, es muy difícil que este alcance una verdadera soberanía alimentaria (la capacidad de que cada individuo se alimente y subsista por sus propios medios): la agriculturización de la sociedad, en pleno siglo XXI, es improcedente, dado que el valor agregado de los productos industriales es la fuente de las mayores riquezas en la actualidad.
Por lo tanto, debe abandonarse el sistema rural y agricologanadero, para pasarse a un sistema mixto: industrial y con un sector agropecuario caracterizado por los monocultivos, es decir, la producción específica de bienes agrícolas para la exportación.
Density, Temperature, and Pressure all increase. The pressure at the boundary between the mantle and the outer core of Earth is inferred to be approximately... 1.4 million atmospheres. What is the inferred temperature at the boundary between Earth's stiffer mantle and outer core?
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Oil, natural gas, and petroleum products dominate the second group, while linseed oil, cotton, cattle hides, fish meal, wool, copper, tin, iron ore, lead, and zinc top the third group. South American manufactured goods have gained access to world markets as well.
The crust broke up because of the convection currents, formed tectonic plates, and is slowly pushed on the surface until it collides with another plate and subducts.
This image gives us the basics of how the plate tectonics theory works. The material in the upper mantle is cooler and denser than the material in the lower mantle, so it drops down and it pushes the hotter and less dense material up. This creates a circular motion in the mantle, and this motion creates enormous pressure on the crust above it and breaks it up.
As the crust is broken up, magma is rising constantly for millions of years, so the new magma pushes the old solidified one further away. This also pushes two pieces of crust away from each other. As the crusts move away, they eventually collide with another plate, and either gradually merge with it, or a subduction zone is created. In the latter, the crust moves below another crust and into the mantle, where it gets melted and recycled.
“Geography Cat believes that both are very damaging, but that the primary impacts of a tropical storm are more damaging than the secondary impacts. For example, the most devastating primary impact of Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines in 2013, was the death of 6 300 people.”