The most vital function of Earth's magnetic field is to deflect most of the solar winds. The solar winds are dangerous level of radiation, that would kills us without our magnetic field.
The Rocky Mountains are described as younger because the Rocky's are really two mountain chains. The older mountain chain started billions of years ago, and the younger mountain chain pushed the older mountain chain up more, only 60 millions years ago.
C Weathering breaks different rocks down into sediment.
D Erosion carries the sediment dawn hill.
A Sediments are deposited in specific places.
E The sediments impact due to pressures.
B The sediments are cemented together forming a sedimentary rock.
- The rock cycle takes place from the igneous rocks that are primary rocks that are eroded and leading to the formation of sediments and watch later on get deposited downhill.
- Their compaction along with the pressure over the period of time leads to the formation and consolidation of sedimentary rocks. This there a product of weathering, transportation, deposition, and cementation.
The country with the highest percentage of people practicing Isalm is Afghanistan with 99.8 percent of the population practicing :)