Deductive Reasoning
The given condition is an example of deductive reasoning. Two arguments are related that bring a valid conclusion given the conditions hold true to both.
Deductive Reasoning: Process of making logical arguments by facts and logic.
Condition 1--- Jason can run 100 meter in 15 seconds
Condition 2--- Sarah is faster at racing any distance
Conclusion--- Sarah can run 100 meter in less than 15 seconds
Reason: Since Sarah is faster than Jason in any race therefore she can win run faster than him at any given condition. Jason runs 100 meter in 15 seconds which means Sarah can run the same distance in less than 15 seconds as she is faster than him.
At the out burst of the War in 1861, hundreds of Irish and Irish Americans enlisted in the Union Army. Some joined ordinary regiments, but others created three all Irish voluntary infantries: the 63rd New York Infantry Regiment, arranged on Staten Island
<span>(From the book to kill a mockingbird)
Ms. Maudie apparently "hates her house" but loves her yard.
Ms. Maudie believed that spending all of our time indoors is a complete waste of time because we couldn't experience the beauty of our environment.
Because of this, she hates her house but loves her yard where she could grow her personal garden.</span>
The answer to the question is that your social capital hasn’t expanded, or that you lost your chance to expand your social capital.
Social capital is defined as<em> resources that an individual gain by interacting with other people, which can come in the form of tangible and non-tangible resources, such as monetary aid, information, and ideas</em>. By not interacting with the police forces that were invited in the party, the individual in the question lost his chance to gain social capital to help him find a job in the criminal justice field.
The caste system in India is a model for organizing society into class divisions based on religious precepts. In this system, the stratification of society occurs according to the birth of the individual in a particular family.
Likewise, the color of the skin was essential to determine the caste to which a person belonged. Individuals with the lightest skin tone were linked to privileged castes. As a form of racism and segregation, which causes a huge difference in treatment and differentiation among Indians.