Early people grew food or crops in the fertile crescent and they scattered seeds on the land and rain came or they poured water or probably flooding came and the crops grew which became food
You would raise your voice to the person you are speaking to. You could also drop the volume of your voice when you say ‘I thought we were friends.’ Also really exaggerate the ‘were’ to show you were friends like in the past
Franklin's neighbor prefers a "speckled ax" because he compares it with his virtue and looks at the speckles ax as a symbol of given up struggle.
- Benjamin Franklin's neighbor is good at associating meanings to the attributes of inanimate things that we use in our day to day lives.
- He seems to be a philosophical chap who likes to use articulate language and make other people wonder where does he get those thoughts from.
They were industrialists who started textile manufacturing plants. Hope this helped